Uploaded by World Martial Arts Center on 2016-04-08.

[Hap·Ki·Do] is a Korean Mixed Martial Art that combines 7 major technique areas including: strikes, blocks, holds, throws, weapons, internal techniques and healing. HapKiDo philosophy emphasizes the integration of mind, body and spirit.

HapKiDo utilizes about 1100 core techniques, which are intuitively modified or combined to create thousands of variations. The art is extremely practical and versatile. HapKiDo's range of techniques were largely developed for self-defense and to provide a frame work for the perfection of character by integrating mental, physical and spiritual values. Physical techniques are characterized by a constant flow of striking, blocking, holding and throwing techniques. Constant motion and fluid circular movements are designed to blend with an opponent's force.

Some of the techniques taught are:

Knife defense

Gun defense

Club defense

Bat defense

Baton defense

Box cutter defense

Meat cleaver defense

Machete defense

Choke defense

Grab behind defense

Multiple attackers

Defense from the floor

Defense while sitting

Joint locks


Han has many interpretations and meanings. It is a Korean word, but you can also find it in China, Japan and Vietnam. It can be traced back to the oldest clan in Korea, the Cheong Ju Han Clan.  Han reflects the process of life’s journey from conception to the return to the spirit realm: the hopes of life from birth to death with the contradictions and challenges that life brings to the moment. It is about our dealings with the contradictions and obstacles, using life's obstacles as stepping-stones to elevate us to higher levels and the preparation for the afterlife that follows. It is being at peace with ourselves in the present, knowing the present moment is all we have and in the present is eternity: and yet be willing and courageous enough to face the present to alter the future in a way that shines brighter in your life. It is understanding that we all are born, we live, and we die; and to find peace in life and in dying. It is the ability to joyfully face life and death and to prepare for the next journey of life after death. It is understanding that everything and everyone is a drop in a sea of Chi inseparable from the Divine, the Do. We are all interconnected to the great origin of all that is.

Han is the great brightness that shines through everything. Each and every one of us is a spark from the Great Brightness. Han shines always.