Grandmaster Choi’s Introduction to the Ancient Korean Method of Acupressure, Health & Longevity
to Mar 31

Grandmaster Choi’s Introduction to the Ancient Korean Method of Acupressure, Health & Longevity

  • Google Calendar ICS

Grandmaster Choi’s Introduction to the Ancient Korean Method of Acupressure, Health & Longevity 5 Sessions: Sundays March 1 - March 30, 2:00PM - 4:00PM

Curriculum: Week 1: Introduction to Acupressure

History and principles of acupressure Basic anatomy and energy meridians Introduction to acupressure points Week 2: Techniques and Practices

Basic acupressure techniques Hands-on practice of foundational techniques Case studies and application scenarios Week 3: Techniques and Practices

Basic acupressure techniques Hands-on practice of foundational techniques Week 4: Self-Care and Practical Applications

Self-care techniques and routines Common acupressure applications for everyday issues Practice sessions with peers Week 5: Review and Assessment

Review of key concepts and techniques Practical assessments and feedback Preparation for Part Two

Click Here To Sign UP

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March 31st Children Day Camp
9:00 AM09:00

March 31st Children Day Camp

Children will explore martial arts, sharpen their strategies with chess, enhance their math skills through fun money games, and enjoy thrilling day trips. Plus, they’ll have the unique opportunity to practice martial arts in the park! Each day is filled with adventure, learning, and friendships, making for a memorable experience your child won’t want to miss!

Click Here to learn more!

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Sabo Night / Parents Night OFF
3:00 PM15:00

Sabo Night / Parents Night OFF

A night of fun filled activities for WMAC children and their friends, beginning with lots of physical activities, relay races, dodge ball and martial arts skills in addition to martial arts lessons, foam sword fighting, social skills, self-respect, respecting others and respecting ones parents. This is an opportunity for children to become more self-aware of where others around them and develop healthy self-image and better self-esteem. We will be having a pizza dinner, if your child is allergic to any sort of food please let us know.

Click Here to register!

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Children Spring Camp
to Apr 17

Children Spring Camp

  • Google Calendar ICS

At World Martial Arts Center Camp, kids age 6 and above learn to navigate the challenges of our ever-changing world. We have a fun curriculum that is packed with martial arts and life training. Kids learn the basics of self-esteem, self-confidence, leadership training, and self-respect from a loving and highly professional staff. They also learn chess, money management, and spend time in Prospect Park, the Botanical Gardens, and the Brooklyn Museum. This camp is an extraorinary gift for a child.

The program runs from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Drop off Starts at 8:45AM Pick up at 6:00PM

Enrollment is for a full week.

Lunch and snacks are not provided

Remember to Pack your child's water bottle

We are conveniently located in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Brooklyn near Prospect Park, the Botanical Gardens, and the Prospect Park Zoo

Click Here to Sign up!

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Vibrational Sound Healing Sacred Cranial Touch For Women
2:30 PM14:30

Vibrational Sound Healing Sacred Cranial Touch For Women

In This Session Instructor Shoko will cover: -Healing from toxic relationship trauma -Unlock Your True Feminine Force -Embrace and become one with your true self -Manifest Balance and alignment of your body, mind, soul and spirit

"It took me a very long time to truly inner-stand my self as a woman, as a soul, as who I am We were born to live with all the God given rights within Along the way of our journey we were deceived to believe otherwise You know why because,

Mothers, Daughters and Sisters, We are powerful We are beautiful We are worthy

Anything that you’ve been going through and have gone through only to remind us of our strength, wisdom and truth of Divine Law It is time to come together Heal yourself is to heal each other." Shoko

Testimonial : Hi, I am 47yo mom of two kids (8 & 11yo) and both of our kids go to the dojang to Happykicks for nearly 3 years. We've known Shoko for I believe at least a year and I finally made it to her Sound Healing Session. I absolutely always love Shoko’s energy as a person, I am always so happy to see her, but also the session - which was the first I ever been to - was so relaxing and definitely felt healing to my body and soul. It is so important to stop in our busy lives and just calm everything down and just let go. I will try my best to come to the next one and will tell all my friends. Thank you Shoko!

Register HERE

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Sabo Night / Parents Night OFF
3:00 PM15:00

Sabo Night / Parents Night OFF

A night of fun filled activities for WMAC children and their friends, beginning with lots of physical activities, relay races, dodge ball and martial arts skills in addition to martial arts lessons, foam sword fighting, social skills, self-respect, respecting others and respecting ones parents. This is an opportunity for children to become more self-aware of where others around them and develop healthy self-image and better self-esteem. We will be having a pizza dinner, if your child is allergic to any sort of food please let us know.

Click Here and Learn more!

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June 5th Children Camp Day
9:00 AM09:00

June 5th Children Camp Day

At World Martial Arts Center Camp, kids age 6 and above learn to navigate the challenges of our ever-changing world. We have a fun curriculum that is packed with martial arts and life training. Kids learn the basics of self-esteem, self-confidence, leadership training, and self-respect from a loving and highly professional staff. They also learn chess, money management, and spend time in Prospect Park, the Botanical Gardens, and the Brooklyn Museum. This camp is an extraorinary gift for a child.

The program runs from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Drop off Starts at 8:45AM Pick up at 6:00PM

Lunch and snacks are not provided

Remember to Pack your child's water bottle

We are conveniently located in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Brooklyn near Prospect Park, the Botanical Gardens, and the Prospect Park Zoo

Click Here to sign up!

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Special Kyosanim Training
1:30 PM13:30

Special Kyosanim Training

(Sign Up Link Below)

This is for any Black Belt (or student in the Black Belt program) who would like to become eligible to be a Kyosanim. This training will cover the role, responsibilities and expectations of Kyosanims.

$399 for Active Member

$799 for non-Active Members

Sign Up Link:

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2025 Senior Instructor Upgrade Training
1:30 PM13:30

2025 Senior Instructor Upgrade Training

(Sign Up Link Below)

This is for any Black Belt who is or planning to be a Senior Instructor. The training will cover (1) how to teach 1st day students; (2) how to train trial program students; and (3) how to prepare beginners for testing. Also, we will cover how to master the skills of balancing giving and receiving teaching and personal training; how to teach in a way that raises your own martial arts skills and deepens your understanding.

Click Link to sign up :

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Sound Healing Cranial Touch Women Session
3:00 PM15:00

Sound Healing Cranial Touch Women Session

In This Seminar Instructor Shoko will cover: -Healing from toxic relationship trauma -Unlock Your True Feminine Force -Become one with your true self -Manifest your perfect self for the new upcoming year

"It took me a very long time to truly innerstand my self as a woman, as a soul, as who I am We were born to live with all the God given rights within Along the way of our journey we were deceived to believe otherwise You know why because,

Mothers, Daughters and Sisters, We are powerful We are beautiful We are worthy

Anything that you’ve been going through and have gone through only to remind us of our strength, wisdom and truth of Divine Law It is time to come together Heal yourself is to heal each other." Shoko

Sign Up LINK:

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Special Children Camp Day
9:00 AM09:00

Special Children Camp Day

Following many parents requests we have planned one of the most exiting camp days. Friday from 9 to 5:30. we will be doing reading, chess a morning trip to the park. Martial Arts games, Martial Arts Class, Money Math, Sabo Sale, and much more activities planned for the day, all for only $99

Click The Link Below For More Information

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Free Children Camp Day  (6 Years Above)
9:00 AM09:00

Free Children Camp Day (6 Years Above)




French class

Martial Arts Class

Prospect Park (if weather allows)


No screens druing the day until after 5 PM during pick up.

All Children Must sign up in the Link Below

Non-Members Contact Front Desk before signing up


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Warrior Weekend
to May 19

Warrior Weekend

  • Google Calendar ICS

Registration LINK :

Friday 6pm-9pm $149

• Free-fighting skills for the seasoned warriors 40 and older • Sparring drills to develop timing coordination proper judgment increased stamina • The mastery of flow and The art of living longer

Saturday 10am-1pm $199

• The secret matrix of basic Knife form 2 and 3 • Vital knife skills • Knife skills of the professional assassin (Knife applications, Concealment and skillful cutting without remorse) • Multiple opponents • Enhanced knife drills • Preassure testing Gun defense • Gun disarming • The 5 most important gun defense skills you need to know

Saturday 2pm-5pm $199

• Applications of Joon Bong and Middle Stick form • The art and science of flow, mobility, and tactics of the Han Su Hapkido Cane

Saturday 10am-5pm $249

Sunday 12pm-4pm $199

• Clinch in a synch • Strengthening your web • Ship il, ship gu and chil connection • Ropestick and fan applications

Purchase the full weekend for only $399!

Registration LINK :

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Fan Skills for Urban Self-Defense
1:30 PM13:30

Fan Skills for Urban Self-Defense

Combat fan included for the first 10 enrolled students. Fan is the easiest weapon to carry anywhere and get through any level of security. Great for keeping your cool but even better getting better out of some hot situations. The fans used for fighting in China were made of lightwheight paper and strong sharp bamboo ribs. They were easy to hide in the loose garments of those days. Today it’s still easy to put a fan in your pocket without worrying about carrying a concealed weapon.

Visit the link below to Sign up for the Event.

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Shinai Paired Sword Set Sparring
1:30 PM13:30

Shinai Paired Sword Set Sparring

The last time this eas taught was 12 years ago. Paired sword training goes back over two thousand years from before the three ancient korean kingdoms of Shilla, baekje and Goguryeo. It was used to develop speed agility reaction time coordination, mental sharpness and the ability to become balanced and focuse in the midst of conflict. This is a rare opportunity to become immersed in this very beneficial dimention of martial arts. These skills learnd in the pair sword set are also transferable to Many other waapons and also empty hand skills.

Visit the link below to Sign up for the Event.

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Introductory Pilates Class
11:00 AM11:00

Introductory Pilates Class

This spring, brace yourself for an exciting opportunity! World Martial Arts Center is introducing a brand-new Pilates class, led by the talented Imogene, on April 21 at 11 am. This class is aimed at both, those who are brand-new to the world of Pilates and eager to explore, as well as seasoned pros looking for a fresh challenge.

Pilates can be done by people of all ages and fitness abilities. Many of the exercises are performed in reclining or sitting positions, and most are low impact and partially weight bearing. Pilates is so safe and appropriate for everyone, it is used in physical therapy facilities to rehabilitate injuries.

Pilates is also an extremely flexible exercise system. Modifications to the exercises allow for a range of difficulty ranging from beginning to advanced

So Click Link Below, Bring Your Mats and Join us :)

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Taming the elephant overcoming self-limiting beliefs
2:00 PM14:00

Taming the elephant overcoming self-limiting beliefs

Every human being faces many internal challenges and at the same time every individual has special gifts. We have the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the unconscious mind, and the superconscious mind. Number one human challenge when it comes to achieving their dreams goals and finding fulfilment is most of their focus is on the conscious mind which keeps busy, very active, very strong but they are totally unaware of the subconscious which is running everything in their life in the background. The conscious mind is the ant, the subconscious mind is the elephant, when the ant wants to reach the sunrise no matter how diligent, determined and consistent the ant is towards reaching the sunrise if they are behind the elephant the ant’s hope dreams can never be achieved, training the mind is an excellent start but not until you train the subconscious mind; the elephant can you really make the change

Visit The link Below for More details

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Adult Promotion Testing
7:00 PM19:00

Adult Promotion Testing

All Members May Participate and support their fellow students, but those submitting themselves for testing must register one week prior to the test. You must be approved by an instructor or a blackbelt beforesigning up for the test. Click bellow to register yourself for rank promotion.

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Sabo Buddy Night
4:00 PM16:00

Sabo Buddy Night

Parents night off

A night of fun filled activities for WMAC children and their friends, beginning with lots of physical activities, relay races, dodge ball and martial arts skills in addition to martial arts lessons, foam sword fighting, social skills, self-respect, respecting others and respecting ones parents. This is an opportunity for children to become more self-aware of where others around them and develop healthy self-image and better self-esteem. We will be having a pizza dinner, if your child is allergic to any sort of food please let us know. The fun part about this night is you get to bring a non-member guest, the more guests you bring the less price you all pay. Price for one person member or non-member is $80, if you bring one guest you pay $60 each, if you bring two guests you pay $40 each, if you bring three guests you pay $20 each and if you bring four guests all your guests pay $20 each and you get a free ticket. Please note all your guests should be non members, and same discounts apply to siblings. All payments will be in cash, contact front desk for more details.

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Kicking Clinic
1:45 PM13:45

Kicking Clinic

A breakdown of beginner intermediate to advanced progression of kicking skills and how to adapt them to your personal individual needs, also the process of kicking but health agility, longevity and the basic basic frame work of practical kicking skills for actual combat and self-defense.

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Lunar New Year
6:00 PM18:00

Lunar New Year

World Martial Arts Center invites you to join us for a festive Potluck Dinner celebrating the Lunar New Year on Friday, February9th, 2024. Come enjoy an evening of fun and good food with fellow students, instructors, and memebers of the community in our beautiful dojang. Friends and family are very welcome! Bring a dish and a wish for harmony and world peace!

Please Kindly RSVP by Monday February 5th at the following link

(Where you can also sign up to bring a dish or other needed items, donate, and/or Volunteer to pitch in and help!)

If you would like to make a cash donation to the potluck party fund please send to Sung E (Jane) Bai with Memo: LNY donation PayPal (send as friend) - Venmo: @jsbai - Zelle: Jane Bai 646-210-0193

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